Ron Villanueva

Ron Villanueva served in the House of Delegates from 2010 to 2018 (HD21).

Donors by Occupation: Republican - Leadership/Candidate Committee

All Years
Amount Donor
$91,200 Jones for Delegate - Chris
$89,795 Dominion Leadership Trust
$42,500 Majority Leader PAC (Kirk Cox)
$41,000 Cox for Delegate - Kirk
$38,000 Knight for Delegate - Barry
$36,500 Kilgore for Delegate - Terry
$31,000 Colonial Leadership Trust PAC
$29,750 Gilbert for Delegate - Todd
$20,000 Opportunity Virginia PAC
$15,250 Iaquinto for Delegate - Sal
$15,000 Howell for Delegate - William
$10,500 Miller for Delegate - Jackson
$9,000 Hugo for Delegate - Timothy
$9,000 Habeeb For Delegate - Greg
$7,000 McDonnell for Governor - Bob
$7,000 Minchew for Delegate - Randy
$4,000 Massie for Delegate - Jimmie
$3,500 Byron for Delegate - Kathy
$3,500 Leadership PAC
$3,434 Griffith for Delegate - Morgan