Dick Saslaw

Dick Saslaw served in the State Senate from 1980 to 2024 (SD35).
Also served in the House of Delegates from 1976 to 1980 (HD19).

Donors by Occupation: Public School Teachers/Staff

All Years
Amount Donor
$21,750 Va Education Assn
$3,500 Lodal, Elizabeth Vickrey
$585 Dash, Mimi
$500 Grumbacher, Judith Z
$500 Nelson, Eileen McClure
$350 Allen, Barbara Wallace
$250 Oleszek, Janet Sloate
$250 Calhoun, Thomas D Sr
$250 Berry, Paul
$150 Shainis, E Lara
$150 Mika, Walter John Jr
$120 Johnson, Susan
$105 Va School Counselors Assn
$100 Crowe, Kathleen Coons
$35 Watlington, Paul