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Parole Board; eligibility determinations, reports.


Chief Patron:
Wren Williams (R)

2023 Regular Session


As Passed Both Chambers. Parole Board; eligibility determinations; reports.

Removes provisions that exempted from the mandatory disclosure provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act the records of the Parole Board. The bill requires the Board to (i) adopt rules regarding parole eligibility as set forth in the bill; (ii) publish the statement of actions taken by the Board by the fifteenth day of each month; (iii) include in such statement individualized reasons for the granting or denial of parole and the vote of each member; (iv) conduct final deliberations and votes on parole decisions at public meetings; (v) publish an annual report that summarizes actions taken by the Board during the prior year; and (vi) provide a prisoner or his attorney with all information, other than the personal information of the victim, gathered by the Board during an investigation, provided that such information shall not be further disclosed, reproduced, copied, or disseminated. (Less)
  • Bill History

  • 01/11/2023 - House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/11/23 23101466D
  • 01/11/2023 - House: Referred to Committee on Public Safety
  • 01/14/2023 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB2169)
  • 01/24/2023 - House: Assigned PS sub: Subcommittee #2
  • 02/02/2023 - House: House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered
  • 02/02/2023 - House: House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered
  • 02/02/2023 - House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendments (8-Y 0-N)
  • 02/03/2023 - House: Reported from Public Safety with amendment(s) (11-Y 10-N)
  • 02/05/2023 - House: Read first time
  • 02/06/2023 - House: Read second time
  • 02/06/2023 - House: Committee amendment agreed to
  • 02/06/2023 - House: Engrossed by House as amended HB2169E
  • 02/06/2023 - House: Printed as engrossed 23101466D-E
  • 02/07/2023 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB2169E)
  • 02/07/2023 - House: Read third time and passed House (52-Y 47-N)
  • 02/07/2023 - House: VOTE: Passage (52-Y 47-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 02/08/2023 - Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed
  • 02/08/2023 - Senate: Referred to Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services
  • 02/17/2023 - Senate: Reported from Rehabilitation and Social Services with substitute (11-Y 3-N 1-A)
  • 02/17/2023 - Senate: Committee substitute printed 23107190D-S1
  • 02/20/2023 - Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (40-Y 0-N)
  • 02/21/2023 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB2169S1)
  • 02/21/2023 - Senate: Read third time
  • 02/21/2023 - Senate: Reading of substitute waived
  • 02/21/2023 - Senate: Committee substitute agreed to 23107190D-S1
  • 02/21/2023 - Senate: Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute HB2169S1
  • 02/21/2023 - Senate: Passed Senate with substitute (37-Y 2-N)
  • 02/22/2023 - House: Senate substitute rejected by House 23107190D-S1 (0-Y 95-N)
  • 02/22/2023 - House: VOTE: REJECTED (0-Y 95-N)
  • 02/23/2023 - Senate: Senate insisted on substitute (40-Y 0-N)
  • 02/23/2023 - Senate: Senate requested conference committee
  • 02/23/2023 - House: House acceded to request
  • 02/23/2023 - House: Conferees appointed by House
  • 02/23/2023 - House: Delegates: Williams, Bell, Hope
  • 02/23/2023 - Senate: Conferees appointed by Senate
  • 02/23/2023 - Senate: Senators: Morrissey, Surovell, Reeves
  • 02/25/2023 - Conference: Amended by conference committee
  • 02/25/2023 - House: Conference substitute printed 23107605D-H1
  • 02/25/2023 - Senate: Conference report agreed to by Senate (40-Y 0-N)
  • 02/25/2023 - House: Conference report agreed to by House (67-Y 25-N)
  • 02/25/2023 - House: VOTE: Adoption (67-Y 25-N)
  • 02/28/2023 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB2169H1)
  • 03/07/2023 - House: Enrolled
  • 03/07/2023 - House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB2169ER)
  • 03/07/2023 - House: Impact statement from DPB (HB2169ER)
  • 03/08/2023 - House: Signed by Speaker
  • 03/08/2023 - Senate: Signed by President
  • 03/13/2023 - House: Enrolled Bill communicated to Governor on March 13, 2023
  • 03/13/2023 - Governor: Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., March 27, 2023
  • 03/27/2023 - House: Governor's recommendation received by House
  • 04/12/2023 - House: Placed on Calendar
  • 04/12/2023 - House: House concurred in Governor's recommendation (60-Y 35-N)
  • 04/12/2023 - House: VOTE: Adoption (60-Y 35-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 04/12/2023 - Senate: Senate rejected Governor's recommendation (18-Y 22-N)   Close Floor Vote
  • 04/12/2023 - Senate: Communicated to Governor
  • 04/12/2023 - Governor: Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., May 12, 2023

Full text and vote history:

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