Michael Feggans

Michael Feggans has served in the House of Delegates since 2024.
Currently represents House of Delegates District 97

Donors by Occupation: Occupation Unknown

All Years
Amount Donor
$2,000 Rench, Jonathan
$1,852 Ensley, Akilah
$1,450 Egnor, Daniel
$1,417 Hough, Morgan
$1,000 Armstrong, Robert H
$1,000 AM Insurance
$1,000 Kelsey, Keenan
$750 Hull, Megan
$560 Gallagher, Sarah
$500 Gammino, David M
$500 Spears, Randal
$500 Cotter Smasal, Missy
$500 Baker, Katharine F
$450 Ressin, Jeff
$400 Johnson, Adrian
$380 Biroc, Sandra
$353 City of Virginia Beach
$350 Phillips, Emily
$283 Genzel, Mariya
$250 Gosselink, Mary Elizabeth