What We're Doing

True North

As an extension of the Virginia Public Access Project's mission, Civics Navigator aims to make Virginia civics education accessible. Whether you're a state and local politics enthusiast or someone new to Virginia's political landscape, VPAP's Civics Navigator will save you time in learning about state and local political processes, staying updated with current events, and civically engaged with thought-provoking data visualizations and advocacy tips.

Informed by Experts

To ensure we built the right tools to serve your needs, we designed a well-researched, responsive, and needs-based civics education program in a measurable way that complements VPAP's Strategic Plan. At the start of 2024, VPAP researched and summarized existing civics education programs, conducted 20 needs assessment interviews, joined and gathered input from the Virginia Social Studies Leadership Consortium, developed a dynamic, responsive civics education program proposal, and adjusted the proposal several times based on feedback from the Panel of Advisors and VPAP's Board of Directors.

Serving Educator Needs

The result of this six-month discovery process, methodical prioritization, and multiple rounds of vetting led to the creation of Civics Navigator, empowered by vpap.org – designed to educate, inspire, engage, and connect.
Because of the immense, urgent need for updated, dynamic resources to teach Virginia civics, we intend to primarily focus on serving K-12 educators during the first year of programming, as teachers act as force multipliers, extending reach to students, parents, and communities at large.
Taking inspiration from VPAP’s founder David M. Poole (a former journalist for the Roanoke Times and the Virginian-Pilot), we categorized our recommendations like a newspaper: above and below the fold, with "above the fold" being the headline, or what we can do as quickly as possible to provide the most impact. "Below the fold" will be programs we might consider supporting long term to sustain and engage Virginians with VPAP’s resources. Both will help drive citizens to becoming more informed and civically engaged – ultimately sustaining our representative democracy and appreciation for the processes of influencing Virginia’s government and politics.
Picture of newspaper folded in the middle, illustrating the expression 'above the fold'

Near Term: "Above the Fold"

  1. Innovative digital platforms: dynamic newsletter and website with VPAP visualizations and news digests
  2. Professional development: workshops and webinars for educators across Virginia
  3. Intergenerational outreach: engagement with higher education, K-12 students, and adults
In the spirit of transparency, first-year objectives include:
  • Establishing an educator email list with 2,500+ subscribers
  • Achieving high engagement rates for the newsletter
  • Reaching 1,000 educators through professional development
  • Partnering with programs across different age groups
  • Engaging 1,000+ participants through outreach efforts

Long Term: "Below the Fold"

Long-term goals include developing student-centered programming, strengthening educator involvement, fostering cross-curricular learning in higher education, and expanding outreach to diverse communities.

Continuously Improving

Throughout the first year and beyond, Civics Navigator will continuously evolve and adjust to the civics education needs of Virginians.
A circle of arrows, surrounded by the words plan/do/adjust/study
In addition to continuing to gather input from our Panel of Advisors, we welcome your feedback so that we can serve you best.
Throughout the first year and beyond, Civics Navigator will continuously evolve and adjust to the civics education needs of Virginians.

Building a Brighter Future

Civics Navigator represents a significant step forward in addressing the critical need for engaging civics education in Virginia. With a focus on K-12 educators, and plans to expand to higher education and the general public, we aim to create a lasting impact on civic engagement and democratic participation throughout the state.
In 2023, VPAP began planning and delivering civics education resources in earnest, thanks to a generous endowment by the late William Olson. The fund was named for Olson and our founder and longtime Executive Director, David M. Poole, honoring their commitment to civic engagement.
We urge all stakeholders to support Civics Navigator and ensure the next generation of Virginians is equipped to contribute to our democracy. Your donation to the Olson Poole Fund continues their legacy and helps us fulfill our mission to engage and educate Virginia's youth and educators.
Together, we can build a more informed and active citizenry, fostering a stronger, vibrant democracy. Join us in creating this brighter future by supporting Civics Navigator today.