Wooten for Virginia Beach City Mayor - Sabrina

Party: Independent

New Data: Sept. 15, 2024 Campaign Finance Reports

Wooten for Virginia Beach City Mayor - Sabrina recently filed a report covering July 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2024. The VPAP staff is working to integrate this new information into its database. Meanwhile, here is the information exactly as it was filed with the State Board of Elections:

$2,636 Starting Balance on July 1, 2024

Count Receipt Type of Receipt
24 $20,537 Cash Contributions More than $100
77 $2,177 Cash Contributions of $100 or Less
2 $7,000 In-Kind Contributions More than $100
- $0 In-Kind Contributions of $100 or Less
$0 Loans Received
$0 Miscellaneous Receipts
$29,714 Receipts 7/1/2024-8/31/2024
Expense Type of Expense
$24,808 Itemized Expenses
$7,000 In-Kind Expenses
$0 Loans Repaid
$0 Surplus Funds
$31,808 Expenses 7/1/2024-8/31/2024

$542 Ending Balance on Aug. 31, 2024