National Coalition of Public Safety Officers - VA

Lobbying Client  

Lobbyists Employed

  • Baylor, Donald Leon

    5809 Lakeside Avenue
    Richmond, VA 23228


    Registered: 6/19/2019
    Matters: I will be lobbying on legislation that is intended to improve the standard of living and working conditions for our members who are employees of the Virginia Department of Corrections and Juvenile Justice.
    Job title: Chief Organizer for Public Sector

Entertainment Expenses $0
Gift Expenses $0
Communication Expenses $0
Personal Expenses $0
Donald Leon Baylor
Honoraria Expenses $0
Total Expenses $11,491
Matters: I will be lobbying on legislation that is intended to improve the standard of living and working conditions for our members who are employees of the Virginia Department of Corrections and Juvenile Justice.

Principal contact for National Coalition of Public Safety Officers - VA:

  • Christopher Brown
    5809 Lakeside Ave
    Richmond, VA 23228


Information on this page comes from public documents on file with the office of the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council.