National Right to Work Committee

Lobbying Client  

Lobbyists Employed

  • Kalb, John

    8001 Braddock Rd
    Ste 500
    Springfield, VA 22160


    Registered: 1/13/2020
    Matters: Opposition to compulsory unionism, specifically defense of the state Right to Work Law and other related issues.
    Job title: Vice President

  • Mix, Mark A

    8001 Braddock Rd
    Ste 500
    Springfield, VA 22160


    Registered: 1/27/2020
    Matters: Opposition to compulsory unionism, specifically defense of the state Right to Work Law and other related issues.
    Job title: President

Entertainment Expenses $0
Gift Expenses $0
Communication Expenses $250,927
Personal Expenses $2,860
John Kalb
Mark A Mix
Honoraria Expenses $0
1/13/2020: lobbyist registration
1/27/2020: Lobbyist Registration
1/14/2020: Lobbyist Badge
2/3/2020: Lobbyist Badge
Total Expenses $272,389
Matters: Opposition to compulsory unionism, specifically defense of the state Right to Work Law and other related issues.

Principal contact for National Right to Work Committee:

  • Mark A Mix
    8001 Braddock Rd
    Ste 500
    Springfield, VA 22160


Information on this page comes from public documents on file with the office of the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council.