Bradley Andrew Copenhaver is affiliated with the following clients:

  • 7 Eleven Inc

    Registered: 7/10/2024

    Matters: Matters of importance to convenience stores, including sale of alcoholic beverages, gasoline, and other products, regulatory changes, taxes and lottery operations.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • American Battlefield Trust

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: All matters regarding battlefield preservation.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Federation of Virginia Food Banks

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: Matters of interest to the Federation of Virginia Food Banks.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Holcim Ltd

    Registered: 7/10/2024

    Matters: All matters pertaining to building, the environment, transportation and general business matters.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Nova Electric Cooperative

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: Matters of interest to Virginia's electric cooperatives including deregulation, taxation and general business matters.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Old Dominion University Research Foundation

    Registered: 7/10/2024

    Matters: All matters pertaining to the Old Dominion University Research Foundation.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Pet Food Institute

    Registered: 6/20/2024

    Matters: All matters pertaining to the principal.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Roanoke Gas Co

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: All matters pertaining to the energy industry and natural gas distribution.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Va Agribusiness Council

    Registered: 5/9/2024

    Matters: Any and all subjects affecting agribusinesses including environmental, trade, labor taxes, etc. Legislative, regulatory, budget and policy issues impacting agriculture, forestry, agribusiness, conservation, and the environment.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Va Beverage Assn

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: Any and all matters impacting beverage bottlers and distributors, including but not limited to forced deposit legislation and taxation.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Vapor Technology Association

    Registered: 7/10/2024

    Matters: All matters relating to Vapor products.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Va Wine Wholesalers Assn

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: Any matters pertaining of interest to wine wholesalers, including taxation, franchise legislation, ABC statutes and general business matters.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • Waste Management Inc

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: Any matters pertaining to waste removal, waste hauling and landfilling in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    Arrangement: Retained

  • WestRock

    Registered: 5/7/2024

    Matters: Any matters pertaining to the pulp and paper industry and general business matters.

    Arrangement: Retained

Bradley Andrew Copenhaver is affiliated with the following firms:

Contact Information

3315 Patterson Ave
Richmond, VA 23221


Current as of July 10, 2024