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All State Committees
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Committees reported making payments to United Continental Airline for the following services:

Amount Committee
$10,599 McAuliffe for Governor - Terry
$6,507 Moving Virginia Forward
$3,688 Kaine for Governor - Tim
$1,779 Cuccinelli for Attorney General - Kenneth
$1,430 One Virginia PAC
$1,174 McDonnell for Governor - Bob
$1,158 Spruill for Delegate - Lionell Sr.
$1,044 Meunier for Delegate - Michael
$1,037 Armstrong for Delegate - Ward
$855 Suit for Delegate - Terrie
$803 Cuccinelli for Governor - Ken
$675 McEachin for Senate - Donald
$634 Keam for Delegate - Mark
$613 Miller for Senate - Yvonne
$333 Pogge for Delegate - Brenda
$214 Leadership for Virginia's Future
$40 Moran for Governor - Brian