Out-of-State Donors

Share of donations to gubernatorial candidates from individuals (not companies or PACs) whose address is listed outside of Virginia.

Who's Raised the Most in Each State?

This interactive map looks at which candidate for Governor has raised the most money (or has the highest number of individual donors) in each state.

Source: Campaign finance disclosures on file with the Virginia Department of Elections. Schedule A (cash contributions) covering the period of January 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021.

Methodology: For this visual, donations are limited to those from individuals, not companies, trade associations or PACs. It also does not include lobbyists who registered at any point during the election cycle (2020-21). Does not include small donors, whose names and addresses are not disclosed. Excludes donations or loans made by the candidate to his or her own committee.

Sept. 23, 2021