Partisan Consultant Drawing Maps
As they move beyond solid-blue Fairfax County, differences have become more apparent in the approach of two mapmakers hired by the Redistricting Commission -- one Republican, one Democratic. Note: This map has been revised from an earlier version. We've added a category (purple) that shows which proposed districts would be more competitive, based on 2020 presidential results.

Once the two consultants craft new legislative districts for the entire state, the Redistricting Commission must reconcile the two plans into a single map. If the Commission is unable to meet its October 10 deadline or cannot muster the super-majority needed to approve a plan, the task of drawing the maps will fall to the Supreme Court of Virginia.
Source: Maps on file with the Virginia Redistricting Commission
Methodology: The VPAP Index assigns the partisan lean of each district based on the following categories:
- Strong Republican >+20 R
- Leans Republican >+10 R to +20 R
- Competitive +10 R to +10 D
- Leans Republican +10D to 20 D
- Strong Democratic >+ 20 D
- Tags:
- Redistricting