Top Industry Donors to Candidates for the Virginia House

In the 1996-97 election cycle, candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates raised more than $9 million. In the 2022-23 cycle, they raised nearly $90 million. See how the sources of these funds have changed in the past 27 years by looking at the industry of donors. Funding from all industries has grown over time, but "political" funding, mainly donations from political parties and from one candidate to another, remains the largest source.

See detailed industry data for the 2022-23 House Election cycle.

Notes: Includes itemized schedule A cash contributions, and Schedule B in-kind contributions. VPAP classifies the industry of all donors based on the occupation and company name reported on campaign finance reports.

Sources: Campaign finance reports filed with the Virginia Dept. of Elections for all House of Delegates candidate committees, VPAP research.