Value of 2024 Legislators' Stock Portfolios
Each year, General Assembly members are required to disclose stocks, mutual funds, and other financial securities they own. Legislators assign a range of values for each asset, instead of an exact dollar amount, so the only accurate way to measure a legislator’s total wealth is by adding up the minimum value of all the securities listed. Because of this, some legislators' portfolios may be worth substantially more than the amounts shown.
Minimum Value of Securities Portfolio
Click on a profile to view the legislator's holdings.
Source: Personal financial disclosures that the 140 members of the Virginia General Assembly filed in 2024 with the Virginia Ethics Council.
Methodology: Legislators are required to disclose any security valued at more than $5,000. They assign a range of values for each security, not the exact market value. The ranges are:
- $5,001 to $50,000
- $50,001 to $250,000
- More than $250,000
Without an exact value and no way to determine the upper range of "More than $250,000," VPAP assigns the lowest value to each security. As a result, some legislators' portfolios may be worth substantially more than the amount listed.