What Drives Population Change

Babies are born. Older people die. People move in or move away. Those three factors were behind estimated population change in Virginia during the 14 months ending in July 2021, the most recent period available.

Note: Estimated change from April 2020 to July 2021. Population change per 1,000 persons in April 2020. Due to data complications caused by the pandemic, population estimates for 2021 may be less accurate than in previous years. The 2020 Decennial Census numbers for group quarters were used since updated data was not available for 2021. Because of this, areas with prisons or college campuses may not reflect changes from the last year. See the Census Bureau's release notes for more information about the 2021 estimates.

Source: United States Census Bureau, Population and Housing Estimates.

Note: The statewide migration estimates were essentially a wash, with international migration at +11,504 and domestic migration at -11,294, which is an estimated net migration of +210

March 30, 2022