
Precincts that match the following criteria:

  • Voters age 40 and under account for more than 60% of registered voters
  • Not located adjacent to a college campus

2016 US President

Statewide: Trump 44%

Millennials: Trump 17%

2014 US Senator

Statewide: Gillespie 48%

Millennials: Gillespie 26%

2013 Governor

Statewide: Cuccinelli 45%

Millennials: Cuccinelli 21%

2013 Lt. Governor

Statewide: Jackson 45%

Millennials: Jackson 22%

2013 Attorney General

Statewide: Obenshain 50%

Millennials: Obenshain 25%

2012 US Senator

Statewide: Allen 47%

Millennials: Allen 28%

2012 US President

Statewide: Romney 47%

Millennials: Romney 28%