Small Towns

Precincts that match the following criteria:

  • Cover all or most of towns with population between 2,500 to 5,500
  • Located outside high-growth area of Virginia's "urban crescent"

2016 US President

Statewide: Trump 44%

Small Towns: Trump 69%

2014 US Senator

Statewide: Gillespie 48%

Small Towns: Gillespie 63%

2013 Governor

Statewide: Cuccinelli 45%

Small Towns: Cuccinelli 62%

2013 Lt. Governor

Statewide: Jackson 45%

Small Towns: Jackson 61%

2013 Attorney General

Statewide: Obenshain 50%

Small Towns: Obenshain 68%

2012 US Senator

Statewide: Allen 47%

Small Towns: Allen 64%

2012 US President

Statewide: Romney 47%

Small Towns: Romney 64%